About Livia Olteano

Hailing from Romania, Europe (just like Dracula!), Livia Olteano is a loud and proud coffee addict, lover of all things paranormal and incurable romantic. She’s a full time dedicated reader, book blogger and writer, with delectable breaks for indulging in obscene amounts of music and fiddling with all things customizable that are remotely within her reach.
She’s always working on several projects.

  • Passions: Coffee, steamy reads, book talk, personalizing anything that remotely supports customizations
  • Pets: 4 cats, most loved being a black Persian named Onyx (he’s computer literate if you count the ‘/?Q%Rg’ he types while he’s attacking the object of my attention if it’s not him :D)
  • Is inspired by: Music, ever since she can remember.
  • Spends her time mostly: On the PC if she has any say in it. So many ebooks, so little time.


Stay up to date with her new releases and upcoming fun bookish events by subscribing to her Olteano Blog!